Population: 82,000
Primary Language: Somali
Primary Religion: Islam (100.00%)
Status of Gospel: Unreached and Unengaged; No evangelicals (0.00%) and none who identify as Christians (0.00%); no active church planting movement
Profile: The Somali of the United States are a diaspora people who fled their native Somalia when their country collapsed in 1991. It is estimated that nearly 1 million Somalis fled Somalia in 1991 to Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. More affluent Somalis escaped to Western Europe and eventually to the United States of America (USA). The influx of Somali immigrants has been met with mixed reaction. They often face prejudice on many levels. Most Somali immigrants do not speak English finding it difficult to understand available governmental services but also causing some service providers to ignore them because of the language barrier. They also face the challenge of adjusting to a new culture and prejudice against Islam after 9/11. Lastly, Somalis in the USA struggle to find affordable housing in the cities where they live.
Prayer Points:
- Pray for the Somalis in the USA to be open to hearing the Gospel.
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to begin working on the hearts of Somalis to recognize that intimacy with God comes only through a relationship with Christ.
- Pray for gospel laborers to enter into the harvest field of Somalis who are living in the USA.