School Pak Collection
June 20 – July 15
What Are Prestonwood Cares School Paks?
More than 500,000 children across North Texas do not have the resources to purchase necessary school supplies for the new year. Prestonwood Cares School Paks offer an amazing opportunity to share the love of Jesus and serve families in-need.
How Can I Help?
Pray for our ministry partners and the people they serve.
Purchase supplies using Amazon Wish List or at a local retailer.
Amazon Wish List: Click on this wish list link to purchase supplies. Items will be automatically shipped to Prestonwood Cares. (We partner with Grace Bridge and others for distribution.)
Local Retailer: Review the list of items below. Purchase school supplies and place items in the collection bin located in the Atrium of either Plano or North Campus June 20 – July 15. Binders (1-inch preferred)
Colored Pencils
Composition Notebooks (college or wide ruled)
Glue Sticks (washable)
Highlighters (assorted colors)
Loose-leaf Notebook Paper (wide ruled)
Pencil Sharpeners
Pencils (#2)
Pocket Folders with holes
Spiral Notebooks (1 subject, wide ruled)
Sticky Notes (yellow 3×3)
Dry-Erase Markers (black)
Please consider serving a local partner to help organize and distribute school supplies.
Bridge Builders, Dallas
I Got Your Back (Prep Day) – August 9
I Got Your Back (Event Day) – August 10
No Minimum Volunteer Age
Grace Bridge, Celina
I Got Your Back (details)
Sort School Supplies – July 24
Distribution Event – August 6
Ages 15 and younger may serve with an adult volunteer
Union Gospel Mission – Center of Hope / Timothy Project
Back to School/Timothy Project – July 26
Under 18 requires adult supervision
For more information, contact missions@prestonwood.org.