Population: 34,000
Primary Language: Gaam
Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions (84.00%)
Status of Gospel: Unreached; Few evangelicals (0.80%) and few who identify as Christians (1.00%)
Profile: Ingessana are the members of an African ethnic group of Sudan who speak the Gaam language. They have historically protected themselves and their hill country from many invasions. Their culture is resistant to change, more so than other ethnic groups of the Southern Blue Nile region. There are four sub groups of the Gaam Ingessana people, and each sub group is defined by their line of work. One herds livestock, another farms, another blacksmiths, and the fourth consists of weavers. The Ingessana are also famous for their throwing knives.
Prayer Points:
- That God’s Holy Spirit will burden man intercessors to pray for the Ingessana people for their salvation, and for His will to be worked out in their lives.
- That servant disciples will be permitted to earn their trust and live among them.